Monday, June 9, 2008

Do you know my daughter?

My mom had quite a story for me when I talked to her today! It's become somewhat of vacation tradition for my parents to rent an RV & do 'loops' traveling around. This summer my parents, Josh & my Aunt Sara are spending two weeks traveling around Wyoming, Utah & Colorado. During the stops they'll be seeing Yellowstone, Zion & Bryce Canyon (and probably some more places that I can't remember). This past weekend while in Yellowstone, a tour guide saw my dad's FSU shirt & asked where they are from. They were EXTREMELY surprised to learn that she not only grew up in the county that they live in... she graduated high school with me!! What are the chances of that?!

This is actually the second such incident that my mom told me about recently. A couple weeks ago the mom of one of my high school friend's came by the house while campaigning for a spot on the school board. It's really cool to hear what people are up to after so long (Oy! Has it really been 8 years?!?!). MySpace has been great for that as well. I think I've reconnected with more people over the last year than in all of the previous seven years combined...

More shots from the trip sent via Josh's MySpace! :o)

They were snowed in at the cabin &
had to spend the night away from the RV.


Anonymous said...


(I may or may not have attended FSU and I may or may not have danced on several bars along Tennessee Street...)

Emily said...

Katie - Something tells me the 'may have' is more likely. I love your enthusiasm!! :o)

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